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Visually collaborate together.

Tools you need

Whenever you need to lay out pictures, text notes, video and audio clips on a blank canvas, Spacedeck can help you.

Modules you want

GraphicsMagick installed server side provides quick translation between upload formats so you can reliably import PNG,GIF,and JPEG impages into your spaces.

FFmpeg edits, displays, and plays back video in your spaces to incorporate many types of video into your spaces.

Puppetter quickly converts your spaces into represented thumbnails for easy navigation within the application.

Spacedeck is a browser based application. It is the right tool for you if you want to quickly put together a collage of your idea or concept, either for yourself or to share it with teammembers, clients or students. Changes are updated in realtime.

Spacedeck is not meant for creating polished designs, but it is a good fit for:

Screenshot of Spacedeck 6.0

The hosted version of Spacedeck 6.0 is currently in beta and invite only. You can also self-host and participate in the open source development.